Thursday, 20 October 2016 14:43

Danforth BIA Info & Updates

This message contains information that we encourage you all to read.

Social Media Manager:
I'm very pleased to announce that we've contracted Reed Hollett as our new Danforth BIA Social Media Manager. You will see that Reed's email address is contained next to mine at the top of this email. Reed will be working on our Twitter, Facebook & Instagram accounts - as well as any other new and great social media opportunities that come along. In order for Reed to succeed at this new job we need you to provide him with information about your businesses, upcoming specials, upcoming events etc. The more you provide to us the more we can do - so please start sending us all of your great information.

Thanks to all of the business members who attended the Annual General Meeting this past Monday. It was a good turn out and there were some very productive discussions. For those who weren't able to attend, the membership voted in favor of the Board moving forward with the pedestrian light fixture replacement project. Our current black lampposts do not work properly and are fairly old. The Board will now work with the City's Capital Cost Share department to accept bids for a new lighting system which will be more energy efficient, meet current electrical codes and provide greater light spread on the sidewalks so that our BIA will be brighter at night. This is a large project and will take approximately a year to complete.

A-Frame Signs:
I've noticed that many of you have A-Frame signs located outside of your businesses. Please remember that you need to have a City permit to place your sign in front of your location. Attached please find the application form and information sheet on A-Frame Signs. If you don't have a permit the City can remove your sign and you will have to pay to get it back and you could also be charged with fine that can be quite expensive.

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54 Police Division: 416-808-5400
55 Police Division: 416-808-5500

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